SEO Services Experts Sunshine Coast, Web Design Sunshine Coast

Mobile Search Optimisation The Key To Success In 2016

Long predicted by the experts, it finally happened last year – for the first time ever, more Google searches worldwide were conducted on mobile devices than desktop.

And that changed everything. Because on the whole, what works on desktop doesn’t work so well on mobile. And we all know that frustration will drive a user away quicker than you say Google Snack Pack!

Web design companies on the Sunshine Coast quickly embraced this revolutionary change, educating their clients on the need for far better mobile search optimisation.

mobile search optimisation

The need to produce responsive web design affects the whole website, from software to the choice of font, to ensure clients reach, and keep those top rankings.

More phones than people

And it’s not just the look and feel of your website either. It’s likely your customers will be doing just about everything on their mobile, so that means mobile e-commerce, mobile payments, and so on.

Amazingly, Australia has more mobile phones than people, so it should be no surprise that getting your business presence perfect on mobile is paramount.

In April last year Google released a new, mobile-friendly ranking algorithm, which was considered so significant, the date was christened Mobilegeddon! What it basically did was give a boost in mobile search results to websites offering good mobile user experiences.

SEO services experts on the Sunshine Coast will show you how to make your website mobile-friendly, to ensure the best mobile search optimisation.

And they’re recommended for a reason. Unless you’re an expert on Googlebot, CSS and JavaScript, you probably don’t want to try doing this alone! Because this really is a case of being in it to win it!

Mistakes will lose customers

LOCAL search.jpgIt’s all to easy to make common website design mistakes, which will end up costing you customers. For example, unplayable videos and pages that won’t load properly create a poor searcher experience, and that will be reflected by reduced clicks and bad reviews.

Remember, mobile search is usually LOCAL search, and the user may only tap in one or two keywords to search – for example, ‘web design Sunshine Coast‘.

It’s a tough market out there – and Google is even tougher! So make mobile search optimisation your goal for 2016.

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